When your bathtub drain gets dirty, it gets smelly and it can clog your tub. Depending on how the pipes are laid in your house, a clogged tub drain can also lead to a toilet backup or a backed-up tub in another bathroom. Cleaning your drain regularly and unclogging back ups can keep ...
Often I would meet a girl, I’d do everything I was “supposed” to do (including many of the techniques I read in books) … and still it would end badly. What’s worse, this still happened to me even after I began to learn a bunch of pretty famous “pickup” andhookupseduction...
The law in Tennessee is quite clear about how to handle a snake you encounter in the wild: don't. It is illegal to catch, keep, or kill any snakes you encounter, even if they are venomous. It's important that you be mindful and alert when in areas where a snake encounter is likely...
Home Remedy for Getting Rid of a Weasel Usually Only One Mole If your yard has mole tunnels, you may think a whole family of moles has invaded, but all the symptoms you see probably were caused by a single animal. Moles are solitary and territorial, and they fight to the death over co...
Guns can serve a purpose around the house and on the farm. Just make sure you have taken safety equally seriously and are obeying all laws. Traps can serve as a good potential offense against predators, but be sure to research the safest type for the animal you need to catch and use th...
Sometimes, another animal is the best way to repel unwanted visitors. Although spoiled house cats do sometimes get lazy, there are lots of cats that make excellent mousers. Cats in the garden can catch moles, voles, mice and other smaller animals. They'll also leave their scent behind, whic...
, both dogs and humans haveblood elevated levels of an endocannabinoid, a neurotransmitter that signals the reward center of the brain that something is pleasurable. Unlike humans and dogs, this pleasurable effect isn't found in ferrets, a species that doesn't run long distances to catch prey....
has done over the years: the counselling, the food banks, the overseas missions[1]. Anyone tempted to run that particular rationale up the flagpole might ask themselves how they’d feel if Ted Bundy, say, had arguedSure I killed all those people, but hey: I volunteered in a soup ...
Also, if a guest leaves the door open without the host knowing, the neighbors might catch a glimpse of the activity going on in the house and call the parents. Once he does this, he can enjoy himself at the party. He should monitor the rooms people are allowed in and clean up food,...
My house is clean, I’m going to make dinner for my husband and resident son, including a bunch of gnoshing stuff. And then I’m going to work on the almost-done novel while we watch a few movies (I multi-task.) You guys take care, give the black dog a kick. We will figure ...