Some people like having a cat or cats to deter and dispatch household rodents. This can work, but it can become a problem when cats bring live rodents in for your approval, and the prey escapes, especially when the cat enters through a cat door while you’re not home. Cats may also ...
Still, there are ways to deter these wildlife, and animal-proofing can be done to prevent it from happening again, she noted. Content continues below "Even with the case of deer eating the plants you spend a lot of time and money on, there are ...
not to keep predators out, and it's too flimsy to deter a weasel. The fence should be at least 5 feet tall around the entire perimeter of the area you are trying to protect and be dug into the ground 2 to 4 feet todeter
You can actually make snakes work to your advantage. Snakes are natural predators, and they eat vermin (mice and rats and even weasels). Snakes also eat some insects, like cockroaches and slugs. In the predator chain, snakes snacking around your coop on the prey you WANT them to go after...
7. RACCOONS, CATS, SNAKES, POSSUMS, WEASELS Ideally, a box should be mounted in a manner that denies wildlife access to it. Once a raccoon discovers he can get into a box or series of boxes on a trail, he will raid them on a regular basis and your trail will become a “predator ...
Still, there are ways to deter these wildlife, and animal-proofing can be done to prevent it from happening again, she noted. Content continues below "Even with the case of deer eating the plants you spend a lot of time and money on, there are a...