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To get a patent in Kenya, however, an innovator has to pay a filing fee, a publication fee due after 18 months from the filing date, an examination fee due within three years from the filing date, and a grant fee due once the patent has been accepted for gra...
Mobile money services (e.g.M-Pesa) are another rich source of financial data. In developing countries, such players have effectively replaced traditional banks. This means people often choose mobile money companies to receive their salary, pay bills, and settle other financial affairs. You may wa...
Your transcript must also include or be accompanied by an explanation of the grading system so that the university in Japan can understand the relative quality of your grades andcalculate the conversion to MEXT’s 3.0 GPA system, which is a requirement for recommendation. ...
So, how do we calculate a broker’s Trust Score? A number of unique data-driven variables are factored into the calculation that determines a broker’s Trust Score. These variables include: Total years in business. Corporate structure (Is the firm publicly traded? Is it a bank?). ...
The following method based on the spatial varying data from the annual PM2.5 map and temporal varying data from monitoring stations was proposed to calculate the spatiotemporal concentration of PM2.5 at a certain location pi,j in Wuhan at different times. This method was adopted from a previous...
Leaving an abusive relationship can be one of the most challenging things someone can do. It often takes a great deal of courage and strength to decide to leave and start a new life. For many people, this also means starting over financially. If you are in this...
The development of the online meal-delivery industry is a double-edged sword, with potential to both hamper and drive progress towards achievement of the S
For years, many African communities have been at the receiving end of change, with little say in how decisions are made in Northern Kenya. Often, this was led by mobile safari companies who would arrive unannounced, pay what they wanted to the nearest elder they could find, and...