The formulas used to calculate BMR are different for men and women and they've been revised since they were originally created. These are the revised Harris-Benedict BMR equations: Male: (88.4 + 13.4 x weight in kilograms) + (4.8 x height in centimeters) – (5.68 x age) Female: (447.6...
Okay, now that you know your BMR, you’ll need to calculate your activity level. Keep in mind the more active you are, the more calories your body burns on a daily basis. After you’ve entered your activity level (choices range from light to heavy) you’ll have the amount of calories...
Active women, those who engage in regular resistance training, might see their FFMI between 18 to 21. Values above this are less common but can be found in elite female athletes or bodybuilders. When considering FFMI for women, it’s crucial to factor in individual differences and avoid ...
The most precise way to calculate your lean body mass is with a DEXA scan. This involves the use of low-dose X-rays to measure bone density, lean muscle mass, and fat mass. However, this method may not be readily accessible and is quite expensive. You will have to make an appointment...
If a female is 130 pounds, 5'3", 36, and her body-fat percentage is 25 percent, her RMR is1,473 calories. How to Calculate Your BMR and Total Daily Energy Expenditure BMR or RMR can be used to estimate total daily caloric expenditure. According to the American Council on Exercise, af...
Let me introduce you to my man, Chunk. If you can’t tell, Chunk obviously kills it at the maths, and he is only 10 years old. Which means that if you are older than ten, I expect you can also perform the basics: (+), (-), (x), (/). ...
AgeUse This Equation to Calculate Your BMR * Men 18 to 30 [15.3 x weight (in kilograms)] + 679 30 to 60 [11.6 x weight (in kilograms)] + 879 Older than 60 [13.5 x weight (in kilograms)] + 487 * Women 18 to 30 [14.7 x weight (in kilograms)] + 496 30 to 60 [8.7 x wei...
04/ideal-body-weight-formula-how-to-calculate-your-ideal-weight/. It should answer your question. According to my calculations, assuming you keep your LBM the same and lose just fat, your target weight is about 127 pounds, so only need to lose about 5 pounds of fat to reach your goal....
Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR): The number of calories necessary to perform bodily functions, without any physical activity Thermic Effect of Food(TEF): The number of calories your body burns to digest and absorb nutrient from food Physical Activity: Any movement you perform, from getting out of bed...
It’s so important to have a baseline understanding of your current calorie level before starting a diet and exercise plan, so use the calculator below to get an understanding of your calorie needs. Female Male Your height: feet inches Your weight: pounds Your age: years Activity level: ...