Here is how to calculate how much water you should drink a day for both health and weight loss benefits. Your weight: The first step to knowing how much water to drink every day is to know your weight. The amount of water a person should drink varies on their weight, which makes sense...
This question can be answered by learning to calculate the area of a shaded region. In this type of problem, the area of a small shape is subtracted from the area of a larger shape that surrounds it. The area outside the small shape is shaded to indicate the area of interest. Determine...
This hydration calculator provides an estimate for the amount of water you should consume when exercising in order to stay fully hydrated and avoid becoming dehydrated during your workout. It requires you to input your body weight, exercise time and environmental conditions before it can calculate a...
How to calculate how much water to drink The amount of water a person needs varies much like calories. A solid rule of thumb to calculate your personal hydration needs is to divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces — so if you weigh 160 pounds, aim for 80 ounces of H20...
Calculate Your Daily Water Intake Here is the step by step process to do this: 1. Find out your weight. The old adage was that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day but experts are beginning to give different advice. Experts now advise that each person should drink the right amount...
For men:Begin with 106 pounds for the first 5 feet of height, adding 6 pounds for each extra inch.13 Using the Hamwi method, you can easily calculate what’s considered an ideal weight for your height, giving you a more precise target for your health goals. ...
Calculate the supplement of the angle from Step 2 (180 minus the degree) to find the exterior angle measure of a regular polygon. This is the degree of every exterior angle on the polygon. In this example's case, the angle is 135, so 180 minus 135 equals 45 for the value of the su...
Just be mindful of how many electrolytes you’re taking throughout your workout as the amount needed varies from person to person based on how much you sweat and how many electrolytes you lose from sweat (which is tricky to calculate). ...
By weighing yourself before and after your training session, you can calculate this need. "For every pound lost while moving, drink an additional 16 to 20 ounces on top of your baseline needs. Thirst is not a good indicator of hydration status and fluid needs," Jones says....
Headaches and constipation may be a sign of dehydration. Here's how to calculate how much water you should drink per day, according to our experts.