Blueberries contain both insoluble fiber (helps to get rid of fat in your system) but also soluble fiber which helps to lower A1c levels naturally by slowing down the emptying of the stomach. There is also a natural hormone in the berries which helps regulate blood sugarglucose. Fish Fish is...
You can help bring down a fever with simple at-home remedies like rest and fluids. Reducing your fever can help safely and quickly reduce symptoms likeheadache,chills, and sweats. This article details each of the recommendations for how to break a fever as fast as possible at home. It also...
For example, withtype 1 diabetes, you can get diabeticketoacidosiswhere your body breaks down your fat to use as energy and releases toxic acids into your blood. Withtype 2 diabetes, you can become dehydrated as your body tries to get rid of extra sugar. The longer your sugar is high, the...
Then do it as many times as necessary to bring your sugar down to the desired level. Do not give up. You will get your sugar down if you keep up the exercise. ALTERNATIVELY walk upon the treadmill as a brisk pace in the same pattern. ALTERNATIVELY row SLOWLY for 250 strokes 3x with...
Studies show that supplementing withB6, B9& B12will bringhomocysteine levels down to normal levelsand restore the integrity of theblood-brain barrier.[xxxix] Leaky Brain Summary We’ve defined what theblood-brain barrieris and why it’s so critical to your overallcognitivehealth. ...
Peppermint also helps digestive fluids, calledbile, move easily through the digestive tract, allowing food to break down more quickly. This may help people withconstipation-predominant (IBS-C)in which stomach pain is accompanied by constipation.7 ...
Bring the water to a boil, then lower to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes, occasionally turning the tea bag and pressing with the back of a spoon. After 30 minutes, allow the oil to come to room temp, remove the tea bag, and press/squeeze as much of the oil from the tea bag as ...
Once in a while, if you feel your heart racing while at rest, but it returns to normal quickly, it’s probably not serious. However, if your heart races a lot or takes a long time to slow down, you should see your doctor, especially if you have a history or family history of hear...
On your keyboard, press the Windows key + R to bring up the Run dialog In the Run dialog, type %temp%, then press Enter In the Temp folder, click Edit, then click Select All Click the File menu, then click Delete, then confirm the deletion ...
No matter what gift you’ve got, always add your little touch to it. You can write a card or even a tiny note on the gift to make it more personal and exciting. Try to connect to the person and add a little something...