Anothereffectivewaytocombatsmartphoneaddictionistoprovidestudentswithalternativeactivities.Encouragingphysicalactivities,socialinteraction,andoutdooractivitiescanhelpstudentsbreakfreefromtheirsmartphones.Thiscanalsoimprovetheiroverallwellbeingandhelpthembecomemoreproductive. 3.UseAppsforMonitoringandControl Thereareseveralappsav...
How to Break Smartphone AddictionIn this day and age, it's hard to find someone over the age of 10who doesn't have a smartphone...Lassman, Angie
1.换个垃圾点的手机 2.尽量少装软件 3.娱乐软件隔一段时间就注销一次。
Smartphones aren’t the enemy; what needs to change is how we use them. 7 Ways to Break Your Smartphone Addiction A smartphone, in the glove of your pocket or a couple of meters away from your view, doesn’t just lie between you and your peace of mind, focus, and awareness. It als...
I’m talking about yoursmartphone addiction. Did you know that the average person checks her phone 110 times a day? That’s crazy! Here are some more statistics that might surprise you about cell phone addiction: Three-quarters of people check their phone first thing when they wake up. ...
The app lets you receive calls forwarded(转发的) from your smartphone.According to Kaiwei Tang and Joe Hollier, the Light Phone's creators, the new phone is designed to be usedas ittle as possible”. They want to take people's lives back from smart technology.根据短文内容,完成下面任务。
realistic goals. One of the best ways to ensure you stay on track in your quest to break up with your smartphone is to rely on your friends and family for moral support. Reach out to them, tell them about your new smartphone schedule, and ask them to adjust their expectations of your ...
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to spend less time on your phone, here are some concrete tips for helping you break the addiction.
Curb Your Smartphone Addiction the Right Way While the ever-connected world of social media on your phone may constantly try to take your attention, there are little ways to reclaim some of it. From cutting down notifications and deleting apps to making your phone less interesting with a gray...