Cell phone addiction may not be formally recognized, but for many people, the thought of not having their cell phone is impossible. As we become more and more dependent on cell phones to connect with others, organize our time, and track down information, it can seem hard to cope without i...
try taking the Smartphonecompulsiontest, developed by Dr. David Greenfield, founder of the center for internet and technology addiction andpsychiatryprofessor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. just circle the questions that apply to you. ...
How to help teenagers overcome cell phone addictionIn modern society, mobile phones have become an indispensable tool in people's lives. Especially for teenagers, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of their lives. However, if you are addicted to mobile phones, it will affect the phy...
Adults are also spending more time on electronics too, not just teens.Researchhas found that adults spending more time on devices at night also are more likely to report poor sleep. Smartphones and Internet Addiction Often times, we don’t realize just how much time we spend on our phones....
We need to block adult websites on your phone is essential as kids these days have access to these devices. Making sure kids are not..
In this resource, families will learn how to minimize screen time, read tips to encourage earning screen time, find examples of how to model positive behaviors and take a social media break, and more.
If you’ve ever felt like your cell phone is wrecking your attention span, you’re not alone. Various levels of smartphone addiction are so common that products have been created to help monitor and restrict phone usage, be it through an app or a physical lockbox. ...
1. Increased physical and mental health: Technology addiction can render an individual stationary and often sedentary because their devices require their complete attention. Unplugging frees up a person’s mind and body, which may motivate them to become more active. Additionally, carving out tech-fr...
4. You panic when you lose or break your phone For most people, a broken cell phone is an inconvenience. If you find your heart racing or your mind in a panic when you can’t access it for a day or two, this is a clear sign you have an addiction. ...
that 2-pound bag of weed isn’t disappearing overnight. Let’s give the guy of a break, he’s lost some big business here and some could argue it’s not his fault, others could say it was his fault as his continual racking up the prices i.e his greed led his customers to explore...