How to stay fit and healthy? Of course, you need a good night's sleep, I go to bed at 10 o'clock every night and get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. You also need a regular meals. There is more movement, sport can lift your spirit, your energy is good. Eat more green veget...
Having a healthy body and mind indicates you are functioning as you are supposed to. Being healthy usually means you look better, have more energy, are happier and could live longer. In this article I will explain some of the ways you can start providing your body with the loving care it...
Daily Front Row, and more. She’s passionate about covering topics related to haircare, skincare, and the latest happenings at the intersection of beauty and sports. When she’s not working, you can catch her training for her next race (NYC Marathon loading!) and binge-watching F...
Your kidneys work hard for you, day in and day out. To take good care of them, you’ll want to focus on these things that make a big difference. Watch your blood pressure.If it’s too high, that can putstresson your kidneys. If you’re not sure what your blood pressure is, your...
healthy habits during the week and give yourself a break on the weekend, but it’s important to keep things consistent every day of the week. By sticking to your healthy habits seven days a week, you’ll be less tempted to binge and more likely to sustain your weight loss for the long...
Binge drinking and sex: effects on mood and cognitive function in healthy young volunteers This study compared the mood and cognitive performance of male and female teetotal and binge drinking students. The binge drinkers had significantly lower ......
So binge watch wisely. Save it for a once in a blue moon treat. Take breaks between episodes to get up and move around. Have healthy snacks on hand instead of junk food. And turn off the television at least half an hour before you go to bed. Share Save View privacy policy and tru...
t have to mean throwing healthy habits out the window. Relaxing with friends and family, settling in for a cozy night with pets, binge-watching a long-awaited show or traveling to see loved ones are what we look forward to over the holidays. However, any change in our daily routine can...
Healthy habits are a foundational element that supports motivation, particularly during low-energy moments. If you are determined to lose weight and improve your health, here is my advice to stay motivated throughout your weight-loss journey. ...
Drinking is one of the most common downfalls of a healthy lifestyle in the college years. From the start, try to establish healthy habits. This is the time when many establish patterns that can lead to adrug or alcohol addiction, and that’s definitely not a desirable trait in a new col...