The meaning of BINGE is an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence; especially : an act of excessive or compulsive consumption (as of food or alcoholic beverages). How to use binge in a sentence.
bingeing orbing·ing [bin-jing] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the act or habit of going on abinge,a usually brief period of excessive indulgence in something, as food, alcohol, TV viewing, etc.: She suggests you fill the fridge with easy-to-grab, healthy foods to cut down on holiday ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bingeing and vomiting on these hormones. In comparison with healthy control women consuming a large meal, bulimic patients, when bingeing and vomiting, had an exaggerated secretion of either the amount and/or the duration of insulin, ...
Allison knows the amount of food she and her husband are consuming on these nights is not healthy and has seen a fluctuation in their weights. To compensate for the extra calories she often turns to dieting tactics and maintains a very intense exercise routine. She and her husband have tried...
When I was “on track,” I ate meticulously “clean” and healthy. When I was “off track” I was bingeing and completely out of control around food. I could easily have concluded that I’d fallen “off track” that morning with the toast. ...
These “healthy” habits could be very bad for you. Could your daily routine be ruining your health? We all know that smoking, drinking and bingeing (狂饮,狂吃) on junk food are behaviors to avoid if we want to keep fit—but an increasing amount of research is emerging to suggest other...
So take a break. Take them frequently. “While the ideal break frequency hasn’t been completely answered by the research, most TV shows are 22 minutes or 44 minutes, and that’s actually a pretty good interval,” reasons Dr. Bonny Rockette-Wagner, an expert on sedentary behavior and diabe...