When you monitor your blood sugar at home, many factors play into the accuracy and usefulness of your readings. Follow these tips for better glucose monitoring.
avoid low blood sugar, and you’ll have more energy throughout your day. It’s also important to drink plenty of water if you work out regularly because dehydration can lead to muscle cramps
Understanding PPBS blood test results is key in detecting and managing prediabetes and diabetes. Along with regular monitoring, adopting a balanced diet, maintaining physical activity, adhering to medication, and managing stress are essential strategies to control blood sugar levels. Remember, effective ...
The fiber in flaxseed may impair absorption of some medications. Also, be aware that flaxseed acts as a blood thinner, so if you’re taking any blood thinners, such aspirin or other NSAIDs, you should avoid flaxseed consumption. Additionally, avoid flaxseeds if you have hormone-sensitive breas...
Cereals like oatmeal, high-quality low-sugar cereal, baked crackers, quality bread like pita, corn, or whole wheat tortillas, and whole-grain bagels are healthy choices to include. What Are the Foods You Should Avoid While Doing a Low-Fat Diet? Low-fat diets typically restrict fats from but...
If you’re one of the many that disembark from an overnight/early morning plane ride looking and feeling as you’ve been on a trip to Grotsville, you need to know how to stay fresh on a red-eye flight. It takes surprisingly little planning to leave the plane looking bright-eyed, bush...
1. AVOID FACIAL WASH THAT HAS HIGH ON ALCOHOL CONTENT To help prevent pimples, it’s important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. But washing your face more than twice a day may make acne worse. Especially if you use facial cleanser that is high on alcohol content. Don’t ...
is another common culprit of having one-too-many gin and tonics, so including a pain killer like Advil in the kit is also a must. Anti-nausea aids like Pepto Bismol tabs are also a good idea to include, along with a granola bar to ensure they can avoid any low-blood-sugar dizziness...
(sensitive to sun). If you are taking antidepressants medications and want to substitute or complement them with SJW, check with your health care provider. The University of Maryland Medical center has a whole list of medications to avoid if taking SJW. Do not take a week before or after ...
There's no need to try and make up for years of inactivity overnight. In fact, you could get injured or quickly become burned out by doing that. Instead, start slowly and build up gradually. If that means starting with just five minutes of walking, then that's what you ought to do....