“When you do get honest feedback, consider circling back to the direct report a few days later to ask some clarifying questions after you’ve had time to consider their insights,” Thompson advised. “This will help them know you value their perspective and that it’s not just safe to ...
Thanks to encouraging more peer-to-peer praise, the company sawa 3% increase in retention and a 2% increase in engagementfor every 10% increase in feedback people shared. Now, you don’t need an employee recognition program to get these benefits. All you have to do isask… Uncover opportun...
Ask for feedback from team members One of the most effective and efficient ways to improve your communication practices is by asking for feedback. Implement a process for delivering feedback, and make sure your teammates feel comfortable using it. This could be a brief post-meeting survey or ...
As an HR representative, you have been asked by a supervisor how to handle an employee's performance issue of always being late to work. What follow-up questions would you ask of the supervisor, and what would be your advice? Transformational leaders enhance the performance of employees by _...
so encourage teammates to delegate their workload, especially as new hires gain confidence in their roles. Solicit feedback in the weeks and months of onboarding to learn when new hires are ready to accept more responsibilities and empower them to sp...
It’s important to make feedback aConversation. Ask your teammate for their points of view. Open up the space for the introspection needed for continued growth. Your conversation shouldn’t end in your first meeting. Follow up to let your teammate know the next time they get it right. ...
Effective problem-solvingencompasses teamwork. As a problem-solver (and a leader), you need to show empathy towards your teammates, develop effective feedback channels, and use their input to solve the problem at hand. Listening skills A good listener in the workplace will be able to gather ...
1. Assign Specific Roles To Teammates Content creators, graphic designers, and social media campaign managers are all involved in creating a successfulsocial media campaign. A social media workflow helps to specify each of their roles. Social media managers can focus on other work rather than super...
Create a Culture of Two Directional Feedback Part of being a good leader is creating space to hear your team. Create opportunities to help employees feel valued by: Having one-on-one conversations.Ask about your management style and how they feel at the company. Employees may be hesitant...
While teaching a class, I implemented a new teaching method suggested by educational research but received negative feedback from my immediate supervisor during an evaluation. As a teacher, it was my responsibility to ensure effective teaching methods while also adhering to school guidelines and superv...