1 Erasmus Mundus Training session for NTOs, Antwerp, 9 December 2010 Promoting to students Erasmus Mundus information Adrian VEALE - Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus. 1 Erasmus Mundus Training session for NTOs, Antwerp, 9 December 2010 Introduction Joachim FRONIA –Head of Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus & External...
-Thedeadlineforapplicants,thatwanttoapplyforanErasmusMundusscholarshipis1stDecemberofeachyearfor thenextcycleoftheprogrammestartinginfallofthefollowingyear. ApplicationsarrivingbythedeadlineattheGlobalStudiesofficeinLeipzig(addressseebelow)willbeautomatically ...
Apply for fully funded scholarships and fulfill your dream of studying at world-renowned universities like Scuola Normale Superiore, Bocconi University, University of Bologna, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), and many more. Best 10 Scholarships in Italy for Foreign Students and How to Apply Foll...
Tokyo – This Masters programme in Japan has lots of different scholarships available to apply for, all around 144,000 yen a month (about €1060), however the university requires the GRE Physics exam.Hong Kong – The University of Hong Kong offers many paid MPhil projects in astronomy and as...
"I have discovered that there are generally little focus in the clothing industry to apply AI on data from products and customers. That's why I've developed two models to create data-driven solutions that can help create products closer to customers' specific needs," she says. ...
1 Czech-Slovak Erasmus Mundus and Tempus Infoday Brno, 3 December 2009 Erasmus Mundus II ( ) Action 1 and Action 2 Erasmus Mundus and External. Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships: an opportunity to work together Italian National Agency for LLP - Leonardo da Vinci Sectoral Programme. ...