1 Erasmus Mundus Training session for NTOs, Antwerp, 9 December 2010 Promoting to students Erasmus Mundus information Adrian VEALE - Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus. 1 Erasmus Mundus Training session for NTOs, Antwerp, 9 December 2010 Introduction Joachim FRONIA –Head of Unit P4 Erasmus Mundus & External...
criteria: -verygood/outstandingstudyresults(=academicexcellence)-academicpotentialandrecommendation-leveloflanguageskills-quality/recognitionofhomeinstitutionhavingawardedthefirstdegree-motivation-workexperience/professionalqualificationsDeadlinesandtimetable-Thedeadlineforapplicants,thatwanttoapplyforanErasmusMundusscholarship...
If you’re set to complete your master’s degree in Italy or have an equivalent qualification from a non-Italian university by October 31, 2024, you’re also welcome to apply! APPLY NOW 2. Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships is a fully funded sch...
Fortunately, there is an easier way. The EU now has a handy, searchable database for all currently running Erasmus Mundus programs called theErasmus Mundus Catalog. There, you can find out more and apply. Even if you are not selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, you may have the oppo...
APAS scholarships are available for up to €5,000 a year. For those interested in Astronomy and Instrumentation, there is also the Walraven Scholarship.GRAPPA – Also at the University of Amsterdam, if you are a fan of AstroParticles and Cosmology then GRavitation AstroParticle Physics Amsterdam ...
1 Czech-Slovak Erasmus Mundus and Tempus Infoday Brno, 3 December 2009 Erasmus Mundus II ( ) Action 1 and Action 2 Erasmus Mundus and External. Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships: an opportunity to work together Italian National Agency for LLP - Leonardo da Vinci Sectoral Programme. ...