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bAllowXGE = true Whether XGE may be used. bAllowSNDBS = true Whether SN-DBS may be used. bUseUBTMakefiles = true See slide about UBT Makefiles bAllowDistcc Whether DMUCS/Distcc may be used. bAllowParallelExecutor = true Whether to allow using parallel executor on Windows. MaxParallelActio...
Use unsafe deployments during development and testing phases to reduce deployment time. Minimum healthy percentage. Specify the percentage of healthy tasks that you want to maintain during deployment. This feature lets you decide how many fleet instances are impacted during a deployment. A low value...
My advice surprised him: he should allow himself to be convinced as much as he tried to convince others. When he applied this advice, it became noticeably easier to make progress in meetings. Because other team members felt respected, we were arguing less and focusing more on how to reach ...
While some nations may not require a visa at all, others may allow travelers to get one upon arrival. However, several locations require travelers to begin the visa application procedure well in advance, which may result in a lengthy processing period. Following these requirements can help to av...
Unity’sdocumentationprovides an example of how to make a native container, but it is out of date and doesn’t compile. It’s still definitely worth looking at in order to understand a lot of the esoteric parts that are required, but it isn’t usable as-is. Here is a cleaned up vers...
This tutorial was originally written for debian-based systems. However, that is no longer my daily OS and I consider Arch-based distros to be a much better...
bAllowXGE = true Whether XGE may be used. bAllowSNDBS = true Whether SN-DBS may be used. bUseUBTMakefiles = true See slide about UBT Makefiles bAllowDistcc Whether DMUCS/Distcc may be used. bAllowParallelExecutor = true Whether to allow using parallel executor on Windows. MaxParallelActio...