In Linux, commands help you achieve tasks like troubleshooting network issues, executing scripts, organizing system structure, and more. Moreover, some situations require you to run lengthy commands repeatedly, and typing them consumes much of your time.In this case, the alias command is the savio...
You can go on adding various aliases, but the goal of this article is to make your life easy by saving the regularly used commands into the.bashrcfile and using a shortcut alias to call the command with options. Want to try out Red Hat Enterprise Linux?Download it nowfor free. ...
Well, an alias is a custom command created by the user to execute another, usually more complicated command or group of commands. The utility of aliases can be seen in 'Decluttering process management', where I mention an alias I created for the following command: $psxawf-eopid,user,cgroup...
An alias is another name for a command. You can use the alias command to create, change, and manage aliases on Linux. By default, the alias command creates and updates aliases in the current session. To manage them permanently, you need to modify configuration files. The alias command Thea...
Advanced operations in aLinuxsystem frequently require entering long and complicated command strings. Thealiascommand allows the user to create replacements for other commands and make them easier to remember and use. This tutorial shows you how to create, review, and remove command aliases in Linux...
alias ll='ls -al' This works in Bash, Zsh, Fish shell and others too.If you write this in your shell, from now on ll will be a new available command in the console.Note: this alias is going to be valid for the entire session, which means until you close the shell, or you ...
$ alias info='uname -s; id; date' Linux uid=1001(user) gid=1001(user) Tue Dec 5 15:11:58 UTC 2017 In the following example, an alias is created using a pipe (|) to direct the output of the ls -l command to the more command. When the new alias is invoked, a directory list...
Let me show you a neat little trick to run an alias command with sudo. Running alias command with sudo access The trick is to create an alias for sudo itself like this: sudo='sudo ' The space (or tab, if you prefer that) after sudo is important in the above code. Now, if you ...
How to install a command once for all login users in Linux All In One /etc/profile&/etc/profile.d/ NVM home/eric/.nvm/ $ ssh eric@rpi4b.local# eric$ sudo vim /etc/profile $cat/etc/profile # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))# and Bou...
linux alias(命令别名) alias:获取定义的所有命令别名 alias NAME='COMMAND':定义别名 unalias NAME:撤销别名