You can use any simple easy to remember name instead of command and than use them in the same way that ordinary commands are used. For example you can use list keyword alias set in this way are known temporary alias. Temporary alias would not be available after logout. How to ma...
alias命令允许您在shell会话中定义临时别名。创建别名时,您指示shell用一系列命令替换单词。 例如,要设置ls为颜色而不每次键入标志--color,您将使用: alias ls="ls --color=auto" 正如你所看到的,alias命令需要一个关键值对参数:alias NAME="VALUE".请注意,该值必须是使用引号。 如果你想列出你的shell会话中所...
alias显示当前shell进程所有可用的命令别名 alias NAME=‘VALUE’定义别名NAME,执行NAME,相当于执行VALUE例:[root@centos8 ~]#echo "alias free='free -h'" >> .bashrc(别名保存在bashrc文件中) 定义别名不能立马生效,可以退出重新登录或..bashrc命令 别名生效方式:退出重新登录或.后面跟上一个文件,执行命令 una...
#alias 可以列出别名 root@fishman-160 etc]# alias vimens33="vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33" #删除别名 [root@fishman-160 etc]# unalias vimens33 永久别名(当前用户) [root@fishman-160 ~]# vim .bashrc #编辑home目录下的.bashrc # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions ...
[zxd@localhost bin]$ tldr Usage: tldr command [options] Simplified and community-driven man pages Options: -v, --version Display version -l, --list List all commands for the chosen platform in the cache -a, --list-all List all commands in the cache -1, --single-column List single ...
alias - Creates commandaliases. Example: alias ll='ls -l' echo - Prints arguments to the console. Example: echo "Hello, World!" date - Displays the current date and time. Example: date uptime - Displays system uptime. Example: uptime ...
alias = Create your own name for a command bash = GNU Bourne-Again Shell linux内核 cat = Concatenate 串联 chown= Change owner 改变所有者 chgrp= Change group 改变用户组 chmod= Change mode 改变模式 df= Disk free 空余硬盘 du= Disk usage 硬盘使用率 ...
alias - Creates an alias for a command. If options aren't specified it will show all aliases. allneeded - Forces the calculation of all fonts that are needed to preview a set of dvi files. alloc - Shows how much memory is used and free. anacron - Runs commands periodically. answer -...
mv command_list.txt commands/ 要使用绝对路径,请使用: mv /home/wbolt/BestMoviesOfAllTime ./ …where./是您当前所在的目录。 您还可以使用mv重命名文件,同时将其保留在同一目录中: mv old_file.txt new_named_file.txt 8.rm– 移除文件和目录 ...
Other Linux Commands To Trymount –Mount or “attach” drives to the system. umount –Umount or “remove” drives from the system. xargs –Builds and executes commands provided through standard input. alias –Create shortcuts for long or complex commands. jobs –List programs currently running ...