HOW NOT TO DEAL WITH IT. This article has generated several important conversations. Many mothers/grandmothers are going through similar realities each with their unique set of situations. Talking and being vulnerable with one another is part of the healing process – as we can tell by reading ...
poverty alleviation or youth development. By providing these resources, they can help support vulnerable populations, while at the same time uniting them through shared interests or goals. Additionally, these groups can offer a platform for members to voice their...
Fundraising and advocacy: If going abroad isn’t possible but you still want to help, you can participate in raising funds and advocating for refugees. More on this below! When choosing a project, carefully consider your skills while keeping in mind that refugees are an extremely vulnerable grou...
Help vulnerable people who do not have air conditioning to improvise, by freezing wet cloths, for example, to take out and hang around their necks. Doing this, especially with a fan blowing, can be surprisingly effective. Learn and share thewarning signs of heat-related illness. Make sure th...
–If you own a cat that goes outdoors, put a bell on its collar so that vulnerable wildlife can hear it coming and make their escape! 2. Reduce, reuse, recycle! We live in a ‘throwaway culture‘, where many of our things aren’t built to last. Each year, every house in the UK...
responsibility and choice on its head by presenting the labels as a tool to enhance individual autonomy rather than hinder it. Another key framing for the law that fostered public support was the protection of vulnerable populations, particularly children and adolescents, from deceptive industry ...
Still, COVAX was unable to secure enough doses to deliver to vulnerable populations in low-income countries. There was no additional manufacturing capacity that would allow for the production of at-cost doses. “This was a deliberate global architecture of unfairness.” Strive Masiyiwa, vaccine ...
Laura Lee Hall, PhD, president of the Center for Sustainable Health Care Quality and Equity (SHC), discusses the SHC’s recently released Flu DRIVE Toolkit, which was designed to help overburdened health systems improve flu vaccination rates among vulnerable populations....
As an HR professional (or passionate advocate) charged with improving D&I, collecting diversity metrics is important. Comparing yourself over time to benchmarks helps you set new goals and clearly track your progress against them. Diversity numbers tell you the overall makeup of your population, ...
The writers of the act recognized that requiring fulldisclosureleft dealers and brokers vulnerable to unfair prosecution for failing to disclose a material fact they did not possess or could not have known at the time of sale. Thus, the act included a legal defense: as long as the dealers an...