From 2019 onwards, macOS replaced zsh over bash, which was the backbone of shell until Mojave. Also, Kali-Linux also replaced bash with zsh, and even Manjaro Linux ships with a zsh shell. So let’s see how you can alsoreplace bashwithzshinUbuntu 22.04. Also, you will learn how tocusto...
Remember, you’d have to add each of these plugins in the.zshrcfile as well. So, in the end, this is how the plugins array in.zshrcfile should look like: You can add more plugins, like docker, heroku, kubectl, npm, jsontools, etc., if you’re a developer. There are plugins for... When you’ve finished browsing the available plugins and found the one you want to use, add its name to the plugin() function in the /.zshrc file to activate it. For example, to activate the python plugin, simply add the following line ...
You can check for a list of Oh-my-zsh on the oh-my-zsh plugin page. It will list out the plugins available and their features too. To add a plugin, we have to again edit the ~/.zshrc file. 1 nano ~/.zshrc Add the required plugin to the plugins= (...) field. Adding Plugi...
plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions) Import Bash History to ZSH If you were using Bash as your default shell, you could import all your command history from the .bash_history file. Consider the following link. Conclusion In this tutorial, we discussed how to set up a ZSH shell and the zsh-auto...
Customizing ZSH from scratch is tedious and can take a long time to setup. However, if you need more control and fine-tuned shell, it is the best option to go. However, this tutorial does not seek to document how to configure ZSH options like bindings, functions, plugins, etc. For thos...
navigate to theSystem Preferencesmenu, specifically theSecurity & Privacysettings. From there, add Terminal to the list of applications allowed to control your Mac. Now Terminal has the necessary privileges, allowing you to use commands effectively without running into the Zsh permission denied error....
OH-MY-ZSH is an open-source framework for ZSH configuration and it comes with tons of helpful functions, plugins, helpers, and themes to make you better at the terminal.
I landed on this page searching for Zsh az completion tips. Based on the earlier posts, the following adds completion using Antidote for plugin management: Add Azure/azure-cli kind:clone path:az.completion to your .zsh_plugins.txt file In your .zshrc, before antidote load, add autoload -...
1. Add the auto-suggestion pluginrepositoryfirst. Run the following command toclone the repository: git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions 2. Open the.zshrcconfiguration file using atext editor: ...