Four electronic databases (PsycINFO, ERIC [Proquest], Scopus, and PubMed) were selected to cover the broad range of disciplines relevant to autism research. A comprehensive range of search terms were used to identify studies which included autistic people as a subgroup (i.e. where the focus ...
The question that this article addresses is thus as follows: What role do cultural capital, habitus and class play in the responses of the older adults in the research project to the field of contemporary visual art—and are those constructs shaped by aspects of the life course (e.g., agei...
Is exposure to the family firm always good for the next CEO? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects post-succession performance in family firms Author links open overlay panelBaris Istipliler a, Jan-Philipp Ahrens a, Suleika Bort b, Andrew Isaak cShow more Add to Mendeley Share ...
Literature Review.Add this section to your paper if you aren’t presenting any new research but instead reviewing previously published research on the topic. In this case, you won’t need the Methods and Results sections but will have to discuss different aspects of the reviewed resources in th...
(I call this the “summary and sources” approach to AI.) Examples include the legal databaseLexus+ AI, the science databaseScopus AI, and the general library search toolPrimo Research Assistant. But yesterday I had a meeting with some Clarivate representatives, and they told me about a new...
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2.2 Search strategy The works we review in this article were retrieved from top venues for NLP, machine learning, AI, data security, and privacy, which are indexed by either ACL Anthology,1 ACM Digital Library,2 IEEE Xplore,3 ScienceDirect,4 Scopus,5 SpringerLink,6 or Web of Science...
Once you have identified the keywords, the next step is to search for relevant literature using various databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, etc. This prompt can be used to refine your search strategy:What are the most relevant databases for your research topic? What search ...
Many teachers valued this for its role in relieving them of having to respond to student squabbles which they had previously resolved through beating: “We teachers are no longer bothered with the minor cases … like so and so stole my pen … The Student Court has a judge, secretary and ...
CASEL describes tSEL as a process for youth and adults to develop meaningful relationships that facilitate examining the root causes of inequity and devising solutions that contribute to individual, collective, and societal well-being (Jagers et al., 2019). Still, tSEL is presented as an add-on...