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Here you can see that the given journal “Nature Reviews Genetics” is indexed in theScopus database. Also, you will get a Scopusimpact factor and journal citationreports for the last five years. Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Search Scopus Indexed Journals 2024 Here are the steps to check S...
In the post COVID-19 period, the proportion of public transport commuting trips decreased, whereas that of car commuting trips increased. As a sustainable travel mode, customized bus services have been promoted to ensure the public health security during commuting in this period in many cities in...
All citations data is sourced from Elsevier Scopus. A minimum publication threshold is set for each subject to avoid potential anomalies stemming from small numbers of highly cited papers. Both the minimum publications threshold and the weighting applied to the citations indicator are adapted in ...
As an important domain of sustainability science, trade-offs in ecosystem services (ES) is crucial for spatial planning to sustainably manage natural resources while satisfying the needs of local and non-local beneficiaries. However, there is still a growing debate in understanding, characterization, ...
Basically, this scheme is to encourage librarians to keep their professional skills and knowlegde up to date. If you complete the required CPD in a year, you get to add a little title after your name. Requirements The requirements are: ...
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24917.76000Ashraf S Alias
There is also the possibility to add information by performing some quantification in which sub-categories and categories are counted. This is not normally done in other qualitative research methods. However, nearly everything can be counted in written messages – such as words, characters, ...
First, improved student-teacher relationships resulted in improved student voice and less fear of teachers. Second, the intervention helped schools to clarify and encourage desired behaviour amongst students through rewards and praise. Third, many teachers valued positive discipline and alternative ...