bg-red-600">Lorem ipsum CSS Copy Description: In CSS, try to avoid the use of the !important modifier if possible. However, sometimes it is still necessary. TailwindCSS has a simple way to do this. Just add the!character to the beginning of the selected class. Example: Lorem ipsum Mark...
An easy way to use a static web server # install$ npm i http-server {"name":"tailwindcss-demo","version":"1.0.0","description":"tailwind css","main":"index.js","scripts":{"dev":"npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch","build":"npx tailwindcss -...
The next step is generate our Tailwind Configuration file for TypeScript , we can use the npx tailwindcss initialise method by passing the TypeScript switch to it npx tailwindcss init --ts We can open our Tailwind Configuration file and add the following additional line to it, which instruct...
If you're following along, from the Getting started with Nuxt or the How to add tailwindcss to nuxt guides, you may already have the really simple Hello World project created and are using that to follow along. If so, if you try run the application now by using yarn dev, or whatever...
You do need to run a little utility to make that happen. In development mode, you can run a watcher daemon that will keep things up to date as you work:bin/rails tailwindcss:watch. You can also add the watcher daemon to ...
vue create vue3-cli-tailwind-app You will be prompted to select any options you may want to install for your application. Now that you have application has been created, we need to add TailwindCSS. You can easily add it with this command: ...
Step 1: Installing Tailwind CSS First, we need to install Tailwind CSS with PostCSS and Autoprefixer: npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer PostCSSto process the CSS and make Tailwind work. Autoprefixeris a plugin for PostCSS to add vendor prefixes like webkit, -moz, etc to make ...
Add a key-value pair that looks something like this:prefix: 'hc-'Important note: Choose your prefix carefully to make things easier on yourself in the long run. You'll want something that doesn't already exist in Tailwind (e.g., z-, p-, m-). You'll also want something that doesn...
Tailwind CSS has revolutionized the way developers think about styling in web development. As a utility-first CSS framework, it offers a new approach to designing interfaces with speed and efficiency. One of its strengths lies in its flexibility and e
In case of Tailwind.css usage - you have to install it as specified in the nuxt-tailwind docs: and then simply use the SCSS syntax, for example, to @apply tailwind classes inside your custom class like so: .main-button { @apply px-4 } 👍 3 valdo...