In the Texture Inspector change the Texture Type to Cookie Enable Alpha From Grayscale (this way you can make a grayscale cookie and Unity converts it to an alpha map automatically)Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this pageHow...
managed by a web platform (where you upload your 360° images ) so my sphere in the unity script must load external images for the sphere texture. I found only how to load external images for texture2D. Help please I tried this scriptscript to load imageand this is how it lookhow it...
Note that if your image contains transparency (after merging layers), then Unity will take alpha from merged transparency of all layers and it will ignore Alpha masks. A workaround for that is to create a layer with solid color as described in item 6 under “Getting Alpha Right”...
this will flatten the obj one to a single material that you can then add decals to or mix into new shapes option 2 first unity the obj in Photoshop (makes it a single material) add whatever decal, textures to it before you export it as an Obj... f...
手游(安卓,ios,Cocos2D-X,Unity3D)> Unity3D> unity3D手游动作游戏源代码-手游动作游戏源代码,使用NGUI,Easy Touch> 网络游戏插件(MMOPlugins)> IG 软工具(IGSoft_Tools)> 自述文件(Readme)> 常见问题(FAQ) 如何添加我的资源 - 3. 显示纹理(How to add my resources - 3. Showing Texture) ...
而UI组件,在移动端上,会频繁更改分辨率,FOV(正交相机则是Orthographic Size)等摄像机参数,导致原本对齐的3D物体与UI组件产生错位。 蓝色的为3d quad, 红色的为 ui image 使用正交相机,Size = 5时,3D Quad与UI Image对齐。 而当Size = 10时: 蓝色的为3d quad, 红色的为 ui image ...
2. ADD SEQUENCES AND DEFINE OUTPUT SETTINGS Now we need to point Unreal Engine to the sequences you want to export. Here in the movie render queue, you can set multiple sequences and define the export settings. If you've been working with Adobe products, think of it like you would Ado...
I created the terrain using the "Terrain Toolbox" with the above settings mentioned in the image. Then I sculpted to remove and fix the jittery noise in the terrain and then sculpted the river for more visibility. unity-game-engine terrain unity3d-terrain Share Improve this...
Introduction Optimizing a scene to increase its frame rate can be a difficult process to get right, due to the number of aspects that contribute to the final rendered image. It can even be hard just to find the right settings to change for the result you
Add a image to ComboBoxitem Add an empty item in a bounded-Combobox Add and remove event handlers dynamically in WPF Add Blank Row to DataGrid Add buttons to the tab control header Add data into observable collection Add DataTrigger Programmatically add image on wpf datagrid with c# add multip...