Check out this hands on tutorial w/ code to learn how to create a custom plugin using Flutter, Google's free and open-source UI application development toolkit.
For example, the AppBar might show a full profile picture when the user scrolls up and slowly transition to show only the user name when the user scrolls down. This effect is called a floating app bar. In Flutter this can be achieved using the widget calledSliverAppBar. In this tutorial,...
In Maps, markers are a primary tool used to denote locations with precise latitude and longitude coordinates. The SyncfusionFlutter Mapswidget has built-in support to add markers on theMapShapeLayerorMapTileLayer. You can use any type of custom widget as a marker, or built-in shapes such as...
@OHeroJ kf6gpe changed the title How to add custom overflow string in 'Text' or 'TextSpan' ? How to add custom overflow string in Text or TextSpan? Jan 7, 2020 rayliverified commented Feb 5, 2020 This feature would be really nice to...
The text in each bubble should wrap if it doesn't fit in one line So let's see how to build this! Along the way, we'll learn how todecorate,alignand addcustom stylingto our widgets. Creating a ChatBubble widget As a first step, we can create a custom widget class to represent our...
Next, we’ll create a custom button styled to our liking. Clear the original code generated by Flutter in the lib/flutter_pkg.dart. Then, add the CustomButton widget: library flutter_pkg; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class CustomButton extends StatelessWidget { var onPressed; final...
In this blog, we will see how to load appointments on demand in the Flutter event Calendar using the new load-more feature. This useful feature is available in our 2021 Volume 1 release. Building load-more widget We are going to build our own custom widget that will be displayed as a ...
We can show or hide widgets using the Visibility widget. When designing mobile apps using flutter we may need to show or hide the widget ...
In our package, we will add a class to define a flexible custom app bar widget named MIAppBarWidget for Flutter applications. Developers can use this widget and customize various aspects of the app bar’s appearance and behavior by providing values through the constructor parameters. This allows...
flutter create--templateapp. Add live button Insert two buttons, one to start life and one to watch live. import'package:flutter/material.dart';voidmain(){runApp(constMyApp());}classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{constMyApp({Key?key}):super(key:key);@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){retu...