Now that I understand the routing structure I want to use for my API - I can start implementingRoute Registrars. In my last article about Route Registrars, I talked about how to add them to the default Laravel Structure. However, this is not a standard Laravel application, so I have to ...
This tutorial shows you how to add foreign key in laravel migration. if you want to see example of laravel migration add foreign key constraint then you are a right place. i would like to show you laravel migration create table with foreign key. you will learn create table foreign key lara...
Head to theapp/Http/Controllersdirectory, open thePostController.phpfile, and create anindexcontroller method. The controller method renders a simple text to the browser. To do so, add the following code to thePostControllerclass: publicfunctionindex(){$post="Laravel Tutorial Series One!";return...
The laravel database query is also used to insert the laravel query in MySQL. The PHP framework works effectively to insert the data into the database. First, the user must create a database table to insert data. Then he should use Insert Into statement to add the raw data to the Mysql...
Here is the official Turnstile documentation for a login example in three steps:Cloudflare Turnstile Login Page. Now we need to add this to our Laravel Backpack login page. Before You Begin: Install Laravel Backpack Make sure you have installed Laravel 11 and Backpack v6. ...
Laravel:Version10.x. Database:Supported by Laravel, with connection details in.envfile. Web Server:Like Apache or Nginx. Ready to try your first CRUD operation in Laravel? From PHP 8.0 or higher, Laravel installation, and database support to web servers like Apache or Nginx, Cloudways has ...
How to add WebAuthn Passkeys To Backpack For Laravel Admin Panel Want to make your Laravel Backpack admin panel more secure with a unique login experience for your admins? I'll show you how to add Pas... Kidd Tang Published on 17 November 2024 in Tutorials Share: Want to make...
To implement datatables in Laravel, use the“yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle”package. The datatables are jQuery plugins that allow you to add advanced interaction controls to your HTML tables data, which is very useful in UI/UX. Datatables also provides Ajax for data searching and filtering. ...
withLaravel 7.xVuejs and PusherLaravel 8.xAPI Permissions Using Passport Scope Laravel and N + 1 Problem | How To Fix N + 1 ProblemLaravel 8.xQueues Example with Redis and Horizon How to Use Circuit Breaker Design Pattern in Laravel Avoid Pivot Table and Use Json Column in Laravel ...
Read Also:Laravel XSS Protection Middleware Example Step 3: Create Routes Here, we will simple create two routes one get route to access view and another post route for store data into database. so let's add two routes: routes/web.php ...