Make your Little Yellow Cat come alive with sound! This Scratch tutorial teaches you how to add code so your cat only purrs when you click. Unleash your inner animator and discover how to create interactive characters that respond to your touch! Bring your Scratch world to life – it’s pl...
Code any game in Scratch ( by following these simple steps. Build a fun, interactive video game today!
The #1 Costly Mistake to AVOID When Soundproofing Your Studio | PLUS, 7 Secret Soundproofing Tactics You Absolutely MUST-KNOW.
Looking for an easy way to add sound to screen recordings? Find out how to add music to your recordings and create a TTS voice-over.
Let’s get started with how to build a chatbot from scratch on Engati?Step 1 - Register with Engati The initial step in creating your chatbot for free involves registering on Engati or logging into your account. Once logged in, you'll be prompted to 'Create your first bot'. This actio...
To style the timeline you can use the selectoraudio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline. In the example below, we add a background color and a border radius. Styling the Volume Slider To style the volume slider, which on Chrome appears after hovering the mute button, you can use the select...
Like the word 'you' with a 'f' at the front of it. Actually, quite like this word.其实,很像这个单词。我们只需要加上一个L。Then we just need to add an L.Now when native speakers say this word they push these vowel letters together into just one sound.当母语者说这个单词的时候,...
Useful features like the LoFi switch add character and the knob that links the HP and LP filters is wild when combined with automation. All the controls seem to affect the sound in such a musical way so it’s hard to miss when using H-Delay. Watch the feedback control when using it ...
The kick drum adds to the bounce by alternating between on-beat and off-beat. In our 2-bar rhythm, it lands on beats 1 and 4 in the first bar, and beat 2 in the second bar. To keep things playful and dynamic, throw in some extra kicks on off-beats and add a bit of variation...
Additionally, exploring sources like Bandcamp, Beatport, iTunes, SoundCloud, and Spotify playlists can help us discover new and exciting Dubstep music to add to our sets. Innovative Dubstep mixing requires a keen ear for track selection. By carefully choosing tracks with the right energy and vibe...