Make your Little Yellow Cat come alive with sound! This Scratch tutorial teaches you how to add code so your cat only purrs when you click. Unleash your inner animator and discover how to create interactive characters that respond to your touch! Bring your Scratch world to life – it’s pl...
Jamaican Soundsystem culture grew with the likes of King Tubby, Scientist, Mad Professor, and Lee “Scratch” Perry, and many followed this legacy in their production workflow –seeking to use the mixing desk as an instrument. The warehouse movement in Berlin for one, identified closely with ...
Looking for an easy way to add sound to screen recordings? Find out how to add music to your recordings and create a TTS voice-over.
This sounds similar to fret hand vibrato. Others Pick scrape The edge of the pick is dragged either down or up along the lower strings to produce a scraped sound. Violining Turn the volume control down, sound the note(s) and then turn the volume up for a smooth fade in. Finger ...
The #1 Costly Mistake to AVOID When Soundproofing Your Studio | PLUS, 7 Secret Soundproofing Tactics You Absolutely MUST-KNOW.
A) The most common way to compose chord progressions from scratch is to know thebasics of music theoryand some chords on musical instrument of your choice. Take your guitar and start strumming chords. Of course, it's pretty hard to get a pleasant sound from randomly playing notes. But the...
HowToMixAPopSongFromScratch historyofmistakes.Fearofmakingmistakesimpedeslearning,andyouhavetoaccept thefactthatyouwillmakemany,manymistakesonthewaytobeingagoodSound Engineer-andhopefullylearnagreatdealintheprocess.IdbeveryconcernedifIwas askedtoworkwithanengineerwhoclaimedtheydnevermadeamistake-everyone does! Mo...
The crab scratch is a fader hand technique which produces sounds by running your fingers over the fader to cut the sound in sharply. Watch Video Episode 12 Slice Scratch The slice scratch is an important foundation scratch which forms the basis for many combos such as see saws, boomerangs an...
Switch Warning (also known as Control Warning):This signals that some switches aren’t in their default positions. To clear this, ensure all switches are in their HIGH position Alarms Warning:This appears if the Sound mode is set to mute. If you configure this on purpose, you can press th...
And this year we had two cool new cross-cultural studies that have helped us get a little bit closer to an answer. And actually they’ve really changed how I think about the way that we humans communicate with one another, so I’m really happy to tell you about them.他们在寻找一个...