The dodo (scientific name:Raphus Cucullatus) was a flightless bird that lived on the serene island of Mauritius. The origin of the name “dodo” is debatable. Some believe it came from the Dutch “dodaars”, which means stumpy tail, while others claim that it is derived from the Portuguese...
Suddenly we were swimming in a turquoise sea and managed to achieve un-chic red shoulders and backs.The drive from the airport had taken us past the wide stretches of sugar plantations. The tall, graceful green plants made tunnels of the roads so that only the mountains, turreted like ...
Another flightless bird that has become extinct is the moa. The moa lived on the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Like the dodo, the moa’s legs were shorter, but some of these birds grew to be more than ten feet tall. And the causes of its extinction is the same as the do...