Evolutionary biologists claimpigeonsand doves to be the closest relatives of dodos, but the size and weight of dodos is unlike these other species. Dodos were 3 feet tall and weighed 15 to 20 kgs. Many historical illustrations of dodos depicted them as having brownish-grey feathers, but there ...
Unite11Howwasyourschooltrip?SectionB 点此播放视频 milkacow 点此播放视频 goforawalkrideahorse pickstrawberriestalkwith/tofarmers/afarmer 点此播放朗读视频 feedchickens takephotostakeaphototakesomephotos visitmygrandparents 点此播放视频 gofishing climbamountainclimbmountains 点此播放视频 watchthestars gotothe...
Suddenly we were swimming in a turquoise sea and managed to achieve un-chic red shoulders and backs.The drive from the airport had taken us past the wide stretches of sugar plantations. The tall, graceful green plants made tunnels of the roads so that only the mountains, turreted like ...
Monkeys however with their big brains make calculated raids on various fruit trees even coming down from the tall tree tops to do so, mostly only at night much to his absolute and utter furry. Yet a tree frog, butterfly or most wild birds even can happily and safely flitter and hop ...