085-How CHRISTMAS Started 03:42 086-Story Of Santa Claus 03:21 087-What Is A Virus 04:22 088-SNOWFLAKES 03:51 090-HUMAN CELL 03:38 091-Invention Of CHOCOLATE 05:13 092-INVENTION OF POTATO CHIPS 04:16 093-INVENTION OF ICE CREAM CONES 05:03 094-Invention Of Microwave 05:...
Stopping by a shopping mall to visit and take a photo with Santa Claus is a yearly tradition. While he started out seated in a throne-like chair with a simple backdrop, nowadays, Kris Kringle is typically stationed in an elaborately decorated winter wonderland, complete with elves and Mrs....
How Santa Claus Works How Santa's Sleigh Works How Santa's Elves Work Is there a controversy around the word "Xmas"? What are the 12 days of Christmas? Why is Rudolph's nose red? Sources 1 Heck of a Guy. "The Sugar Plum Vision Quest." 12/9/07. 10/08/09. http://1heckofaguy...
It's Christmas Eve, which means Santa Claus has started his annual journey around the world — and you can track his progress. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)'s Santa tracker is now live. It tracks the Jolly One's whereabouts as he crosses the globe delivering ...
Sometimes, to keep people guessing, Santa will also sayI am as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth! If you want to see what other people have said, you can go toSanta's blog. What IsSanta's Secret? Father Christmas started life as a normal human. As he grew older...
Rudolph's glowing red nose comes in handy for leading Santa Claus' sleigh around the world on Christmas night. Luis Carlos Torres/Shutterstock So we know that Rudolph stands out a bit from other reindeer, but how could he be the only reindeer with a big red nose? Is Santa some kind of...
Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Babbo Natale, Père Noël — whatever you call him, the man clad in red will be here soon.
How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar by Bret Harte (1836-1902) Approximate Word Count: 5704 It had been raining in the valley of the Sacramento. The North Fork had overflowed its banks and Rattlesnake Creek was impassable. The few boulders that had marked the summer ford at Simpson'...
Shoup obviously responded no, and thought it was a joke until the boy on the phone started to cry. Being a dad of four himself, Shoup instinctually slid into the role of Santa, then ended up speaking with the boy's mother. The mom informed him that the number had been printed in a...
NORAD has been tracking Santa during his Christmas Eve deliveries since 1955. And there's such a magical story on how it started, too. According to NORAD, it happened purely by accident. In 1955 a young child, trying to reach Santa, dialed the misprinted phone number from a department stor...