NORAD keeps an eye on more than just potential attacks, however, as they have tracked Santa's movements for more than 50 years. The tradition began in 1955 when NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), received several calls from children hoping to speak with Santa ...
How Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" Made An Important Statement About Acceptance — For Society And Herself WhenChristina Aguilerabegan working on her second album,Stripped, she had what every pop star dreams of: multiple No. 1 hits, a No. 1 album, a headlini...
Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Babbo Natale, Père Noël — whatever you call him, the man clad in red will be here soon.
NORAD, located somewhere in Colorado Springs --we know where but that sounds better-- offers a high-tech option for tracking Santa Claus. The defense organization began tracking Santa in 1955 under the name CONAD (Continental Air Defense Command,) switching to NORAD in 1958. ...
The First Department Store Santa Some suggest that Santas began wandering department stores as early as1861, says Wood. Others creditJames Edgar, the owner of Edgar’s Department Store in Brockton, Massachusetts, for originating the tradition in 1890, when he put on a Santa costume to appeal to...
Before the legend of Santa Claus began, people believed that the Deer Mother took flight on the longest, darkest night of the year (the winter solstice). She safely carries the sun’s life-giving light in her antlers and into the new year. And, wait for it, she draws the sleigh of ...
As it has for over six decades, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) — a joint organization between the U.S. and Canada, is responsible for tracking everything flying in and around the two countries — will be tracking Santa this Christmas. The tradition began as an accident...
their amygdalas paired the sound with the shock, and the sound created a fear response. The researchers then began the process of fear-extinction training, in which they made the sound but did not apply the shock. After hearing the sound very often without the shock, the rats stopped fearin...
Sure enough, kids from all over began calling and Colonel Shoup assigned a couple of airman to man the phones. Controllers in the command center jokingly put an image of a sleigh and reindeer up on the radar screen, which Shoup thought was hilarious and let them keep it up there. ...
She began to smell unpleasantly, once or twice she coughed slightly, but there was no abatement of her strength or speed. By two o'clock he had passed Red Mountain and begun the descent to the plain. Ten minutes later the driver of the fast Pioneer coach was overtaken and passed by a...