and eventually on across the Arabian Sea (the present-day Indian Ocean) to the Arabian Peninsula, where one route followed the eastern contours of the Arabian Peninsula up the Persian Gulf to the city of Al Basrah (present-day Basra in Iraq), while another route skirted around the Arabian ...
WELCOME TO BASRA; How to Stay Alive by Dodging the Bullets and Bombs Is First Lesson You Get on Arrival in IraqDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
BSR Basra Iraq International Airport (airport code) BSR Buffered Sense Return BSR Budget System of Record BSR Balkan Society of Radiology BSR Barrett Sniper Rifle (US Army) BSR Burster Size Reduction (hazardous waste, machine to cut projectile bursters prior to incineration) Copyright 1988-2018 Acr...
Cancer rates near the cities of Fallujah, Najaf and Basra (the latter “liberated” by the British) are now revealed as higher than those at Hiroshima. “UK forces used about 1.9 metric tons of depleted uranium ammunition in the Iraq war in 2003,” the Defense Secretary Liam Fox told ...
Spectrum Integrated Solutions is a leading Management Consulting and Logistics Services Company that offers Management Consulting Services and Solutions to U.S. and International Companies working in Iraq.
Iraq is essentially the land of the two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris. The Shatt al-Arab, formed by their junction, constitutes Iraq's only access to the sea; it requires constant attention if it is to be kept fit for navigation by modern shipping, and Basra, 100 kilometers from the ...
How the Bard Is Brought to Basra; Much Ado in Iraq: Jamie (Craig Gallivan) and Ben (Jamie Davis) Are Bemused and Brutalised British Soldiers
was in command of an armoured Warrior as British troops stormed a police station and then carried out the rescue at a nearby house.The raid sparked a furore in Iraq, with the authorities in Basra condemning the action.The operation sparked clashes and the deaths of five civilians.Last night...