Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Basra – Iraq. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Type: Bank Category: building Location: Basra Governorate, Iraq, Middle East, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude30.52163° or 30° 31' 18" north Longitude47.84111° or 47° 50' 28" east Open Location Code8H29GRCR+MC OpenStreetMap IDway 47952260 OpenStreetMap Featureame...
Type: Stream Description: river in Asia Categories: river and body of water Location: Basra Governorate, Iraq, Middle East, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude30.57889° or 30° 34' 44" north Longitude47.76572° or 47° 45' 57" east Also known asAl Furāt Also known asAs Shatt-al-...
Time Zone in Basra, Iraq (al-Basrah)Time/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon 123691245781011 2時51分37秒 AST 2025年2月5日星期三Fullscreen Current: AST — Arabia Standard Time Current Offset: UTC/GMT +3 hours Difference: 5 hours behind Zhengzhou2025...
- Event Detail Report information can be viewed on Map. - In vehicle list, added last event address and date time. - In Group Map, auto zoom to show all the vehicles. System web site: http://local.iraq7stars.com more What’s New Version History Version 2.5 regular update - 2024 ...
Contact Iran's consulate in Basra, Iraq located at Bakhtiary Tazeh Street. Address, map, directions, telephone, email, office hours.
GDG Basra [Google Developer Group - Basra] is one of technical communities in Iraq, we have some interesting conferences, competitions, and many other creative activities.It's a technical user group for people who are interested in Google's developer tec
Country:Iraq Category:airports Nearest airports Travelmath helps you find the closest airport to any city, as well as a list of smaller local airports. You can use these pages to plan your trip and figure out the easiest way to get to your destination. Many times there are multiple airports...
BASRA, Iraq (AP) — A youth-led protest movement in the southern Iraqi port city of Basra, which saw riots last summer over failing services and soaring unemployment, has found an artistic outlet in the words and beats of homegrown rapper Ahmed Chayeb.
Just when her family should be arranging her marriage, Kathmiya Mahmoud, a young Marsh Arab maiden, is sent from her home in Iraq's idyllic countryside to the unfamiliar city of Basra, where she must survive on her paltry earnings as a servant. Her only asset—her exquisite beauty—brings...