When you pick up this impressive tome, light passes over its gold surface and through the raised jewels, reflecting toward the center, where Jesus hangs on the cross.当你拿起这本令人惊叹的书籍时,光线会穿过金色表面和凸起的宝石,反射到中央,那里描绘着耶稣被钉在十字架上的场景。This trick of th...
How did Romans feel about people who followed religions other than the Roman religion? How did Christianity become established within the Roman Empire? How did Josephus know about the Masada deaths? Was Jesus alive during the Roman Empire? Who is the John who Flavius Josephus speaks of? How di...
condition leading to the Antichrist). According to Aiden, there are 83,000 different Christian denominations throughout the world, whose shared principals are few. “There is a passage where Jesus prays for unity, but with 83,000 differences, and other religions, that unity is hard to find....
In 2023, almost 2,000 years since Jesus’ death and resurrection, the world currently has a population of approximately 8 billion people. As believers work to spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission, we may wonder exactly how many believers th
LORD or YHVH? Jesus or Yeshua? Sunday or Sabbath? Church or Synagogue? Gentile or Israel? Clean or Unclean? Law or Grace? 2000 years after the Messiah, wherever we live, whether it's Sri Lanka or any other part of the world, all of us require to learn ho
I do appreciate and admire that they don’t push beliefs as much as other religions and that they are much less of an organized religion. cbloom8 (1723)“Great Answer” (2) Flag as… As an atheist, I could care less. :/ Wiccans are people too, that’s all that matters. KateThe...
People in the church are held to a higher standard than other people. The pastors and staff significantly influence many people, so the higher standard comes into play. People tell me they can follow Jesus Christ without attending church every Sunday. There is some truth to that claim, but ...
Compare Christianity's view of Jesus with other religions, so teens see how it squares with the Bible's description. Review all facets of Jesus's personality as shown in the BIble, such as his anger to drive the moneychangers out of the temple. ...
A particular verse of scripture has often given me pause when pondering about the importance of being of one heart and one mind in our pursuit of Zion. Teaching his newly called Twelve Apostles, Jesus Christtold them: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to se...
If Christ is the Truth through whom and in whom all things both in heaven and on earth are made, then there is no need for other religions outside of Christ. In fact, other religions are in direct conflict with Christ and present a false understanding of God. For Muslims, the Quran is...