General Appearance Observe the guppies coloring. Males typically have more color and brighter color. The males also have long, flowing tails, often as long as or longer than their bodies. Since fantail guppy females can be fancy, too, the males' brighter body colors and long, flowing tails c...
The fertilized eggs mature and hatch inside the female, who then gives birth to live offspring. The birthing process takes between six and 12 hours depending on the species and the number of fry. Many species of fish eat their young, including guppies. Therefore, it's often a good idea to...
Fancy guppies Endler live bearers Cory catfish Sparking Gourmi Least Killifish (Heterandia formosa) Any type of sucker fish (algae-eating fish) will be safe, including plecos. However, when deciding on tank mates, be sure the fish are non-aggressive and prefer hard water. For example, neon...
I believe most if not all of my guppies have ich. I am unable to find any suitable sources to know if I should let the ich run its course or attempt to treat it, as I know a lot of ich medications can harm my frogs. I do have aquarium salt though and was wondering if I ...
The fertilized eggs mature and hatch inside the female, who then gives birth to live offspring. The birthing process takes between six and 12 hours depending on the species and the number of fry. Many species of fish eat their young, including guppies. Therefore, it's often a good idea to...
Among my parent friends, Covid-related screen time is something everyone jokes about but never quantifies. We all assume kids are watching more television…but is it, like, an hour a day? Five hours a day? Do video games count? CanBubble Guppiesbe filed under “educational” TV?
Guppies are active and often colorful, making them popular aquarium pets. To keep your fish healthy, it's important to know how often to feed guppies and what they eat. Guppy young require a special diet, although one ea... How to ...
The pesky planarian is often confused with another flatworm,rhabdocoela. Rhabdocoela is similar in size and color to white planaria. However, when compared side by side, the differences become clear. It’s all in the shape of the head… ...