These frogs spend most of their time at the bottom surface of thefish tank. They are nocturnal creatures. They sleep during the day and remain active at night. However, beginner aqua owners often wonder,“how do African dwarf frogs sleep?” and “do African dwarf frogs sleep with their eye...
The fertilized eggs mature and hatch inside the female, who then gives birth to live offspring. The birthing process takes between six and 12 hours depending on the species and the number of fry. Many species of fish eat their young, including guppies. Therefore, it's often a good idea to...
Because the goal of aquariums is often to keep the water as clear as possible (it makes it easier to view fish) algae is unwanted, no matter how natural it may be. It’s interesting isn’t it, how often do you see perfectly clear water in nature? Outside, such as your pond, there...
A few species of fish do not lay eggs but produce live babies, called fry. Some live bearers breed easily in home aquariums, including guppies, swordtail, Endlers fish, mollies, and platies. For these fish, egg fertilization occurs internally through mating using a modifiedanal fin called a...
Place a pond feeding ring on the surface of the water and secure it with a piece of thin rope tied to a tree or to your jetty. Throw the floating pellets into the ring; this prevents the wind from blowing them into reeds or against the bank. Obtain a ring from your aquatic dealer....
Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, an...
Will guppies eat seed shrimp? The adults probably do eat a few of them, but they're eating the flake food you give them. Guppy frywill chow down on themthough, so allow them to breed a bit.
Novice Koi hobbyists often overlook the conformation or body shape of Koi fish, mainly because they are not aware of its worth. However, let me tell you; The quality and cost of Koi fish are highly dependent on its body shape. The award-winning Koi fish is free of any defects and defo...
Avoid pairing goldfish in a tank with other fish who are radically different, like zebra fish or guppies. They tend to stress goldfish out and stress is a big contributor to swim bladder disease. If you feed your goldfish food balls, they might get stuck in your fish's small intestine....
For example, goldfish, guppies, and tiger pleco are all friendly fish that will coexist peacefully together. Angelfish and cichlids are two types of aggressive fish that can often live in a tank together without harming one another. 4 Buy from a reputable dealer or store. If you purchase from...