How does ng-class Directive work in AngularJS? In the AngularJS framework, it is very important to know that all the In-Built directives that the AngularJS framework has provisioned will always be denoted with the ng prefix. The ng-class directive is very simple and easy to use in HTML...
When you use a structural directive in Angular we will add a prefix asterisk(*) before the directive name. This asterisk is short hand notation forng-template. Whenever Angular encounter with the asterisk(*) symbol, we are informing Angular saying that it is a structural directive and Angular ...
How ng-style Directive works in AngularJS? In the AngularJS framework, it is important to know that all the In-Built directives that the AngularJS framework has provisioned will always be denoted with the ng prefix. The ng-style directive is very simple and very easy to use directive in ...
In this guide, we will learn what isng-templateandTemplateRef. We also learn how it works and how Angular makes use of them in various directives likengIf,ngFor&ngSwitchetc. We can useng-template with ngTemplateOutlet to display the dynamic templates, which is a separate tutorial. Table of...
Declare a variable for the map object, create the map, and call it fromngAfterViewinit: src/app/map/map.component.ts import{Component,AfterViewInit}from'@angular/core';import*asLfrom'leaflet';@Component({selector:'app-map',templateUrl:'./map.component.html',styleUrls:['./map.component.css...
However, written like this, what shows up in the browser’s console isn’t the expected strings from the input; instead, values such as appear in place of each of those values. The reason for this is simple: The browser console returns the actual Angular representations of ...
import{RouterModule}from'@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports:[ ... RouterModule.forRoot([ {path:'',component:LoginComponent}, {path:'detail',component:DetailComponent}, ]) ], }) The simplest breakdown for what we have here is a path/component lookup. When our app loads, the router ki...
ngOnInit(): void { } } </> Copy Code Rebuilding an app using libraries Before consuming the library, we need to build an Angular library. Here we will build the library for local (same application) usage. Then we will re-build the library for global (any application) usage. ...
import{Component}from'@angular/core';@Component({template:`<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="templateRef; context: exampleContext"></ng-container> <ng-template #templateRef let-default let-other="aContextProperty"> $implicit = '{{default}}' aContext...
In ngOnInit, read the image’s dataURL from the state, load the image and get its info. private imgWidth:number = 0; private imgHeight:number = 0; dataURL:string = ""; viewBox:string = "0 0 1280 720"; ngOnInit() { const navigation = this.router.getCurrentNavigation(); if (...