or you can define what Angular calls a “resolve guard,” which can be used to do certain processing (such as retrieve the data for the selected speaker) while the UI is still being constructed. As always, the Angular documentation has copious details for those who are interested to learn ...
First, and most generic, the Angular template statement can reference the $event object, which is essentially the DOM’s event object generated during the user’s session. This simply requires referencing the parameter as part of the statement, such as: C# Copy Save The draw...
Or, just to round out the hat trick, AngularJS to Node.js to SQL Server. Any of these three components is easily “swappable,” so long as the front end uses HTTP (or something similarly platform-neutral) to talk to the back end. The back end also needs a driver to communicate to ...
Similar is the case when working with Angular; you might encounter situations where you need some reusable components, handy services, or specific functionalities that aren't readily available. But you can build your own Angular libraries to fill those gaps and even share them with the world. So...
Given that I hadn’t looked at an Angular service prior to that point, I first needed to work through the basics of what an Angular service looks like and how to use it from the various components that might need it. Alas, all that work left me with no room to...
Allow one to two weeks for final tweaks to make sure everything works as it should. 11. Maintain and promote your website Much like a work of art, a website is never truly "finished." It's an ever-evolving entity that demands regular attention to maintain its performance. One of ...
imgWidth; return 30/percent; //30 works fine when the width is 640. Scale it if the image has a different width } Make the rectangle as selected if the mouse is down or it is touched. The selected one will have a larger stroke width. selectedIndex: number = -1; usingTouchEvent:...
https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-security-and-angular-js/https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/11/20/build-crud-spring-and-vuehttps://auth0.com/blog/vuejs2-authentication-tutorial/https://medium.com/@zitko/structuring-a-vue-project-authentication-87032e5bfe16Secure the backend API ...
In this blog post, you’ll learn how to build an Angular Excel viewer using the Nutrient Web SDK. You’ll open and view XLS and XLSX files directly in your web browser using client-side processing (no server required). The image below shows what you’ll be building. You can see a de...
Last but not the least - check if all of this works. Start the Java application with the following command: java -jar java-app/build/libs/java-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and openhttp://localhost:8080/in your browser. You should see the React app welcome page. ...