You may even want to take daily supplements. It is important that you eat a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium, and phosphorus. Try to incorporate additional raw and cooked vegetables, raw dairy, fruit, and animal protein in your diet. Consider taking a vitamin D ...
That's what I ended up doing, making the font smaller. Now the button height matches the height of the Inputbox much closer. The text on the button is a little hard to read now, but this is just for my use and I know what the button does. I did notice after making the font sma...
Prior to the virus, I would jam pack every day and week with as much excitement as I thought I could handle. Sometimes that meant four speaking gigs in one week, often with new content. I had no idea how exhausting that was for my mind and body, even though I love speaking. I had...
Getting omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fatty fish would be ideal. Unfortunately, many individuals do not like salmon, sardines, mackerel or herring and simply will not consume enough of this fish to achieve protective tissue levels. Other species of fish and seafood provide much less amount...
At this point I'm ready to give up on this, it has taken me too much time, and I don't feel I've gotten anywhere on this. I've posted just about everything I know about this, but I still haven't found a different way to communicate with the modem, that is outside the ...