NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW) -Flooding is the number one disaster in the country, according to federal statistics. Flood insurance is one of those things you may think you have, but you probably don't. If your home is flooded, homeowners insurance will most likely not cover the damage. Floods can...
“Flood insurance doesn’t cover mold, and mold can start setting in within 48 hours,” Olsen says. “The only exception to the mold coverage there with FEMA is they won’t allow you to go back.” FEMA's flood insurance program fact sheet also notes that the p...
Car insurance is critically important to make sure you’re financially protected if bad weather causes you to crash What factors affect how your car handles in bad weather? There are a number of things about your car that can impact how difficult driving in bad weather can be. Enter your ZI...
A county's overall score was calculated using the average of category scores as weighted in collaboration with population health and well-being experts. The final rankings of the 500 Healthiest Communities in the U.S. are based on this overall score....
Here are common mistakes to avoid when buying homeowners insurance: Not getting enough coverage for your home, belongings, and liability Low-balling the actual costs it would take to rebuild your home Assuming all perils are covered; you should clearly understand what is and isn't protected under...
In our study context, the 2010 population estimate was not revised until 2012, as it usually takes two years on average for the Census Bureau to release final population reports (U.S. Census Bureau 2001) and update the geographic distribution of federal spending. This timing further strengthens...
Flood insuranceHydrologyRisk anaThe 100-year floodplain is the traditional indicator of flood risk and the area in which specific flood mitigation requirements are required to occur in the United States. However, recent studies have indicated that there is a growing disconnect between the 100-year ...
While North Carolina exempts vehicles over 30 years old from annual safety inspections, Texas offers a discount for vehicles that are over 25 years old. See what you could save on car insuranceEasily compare personalized rates to see how much switching car insurance could save you. ZIP Code ...
The real cost of a house goes far beyond your mortgage-although you must start with that when deciding how much house you can afford. The rule that most financial planners tell their clients is that their mortgage (includinginsurance and taxes) should not be more than a quarter of their gro...
Much of its population suffers from extreme poverty, with 68% of people living on less than $2 a day in 2017, according to World Bank figures. The country is also in the middle of a severe drought which while not causing as many displacements last year, is sai...