In addition to adding high-fiber foods to avoid constipation, there are other foods and remedies that can act as a natural constipation treatment. Prunes In addition to being high in fiber, prunes contain lots of the natural sugar alcohol sorbitol, which doesn't readily break down during digest...
While it is not true that fiber fixes all cases of constipation, it often does help. Although it is true that most people do not get enough fiber in their daily diets, extra fiber may make some types of constipation, like slow-transit constipation, worse. Slow-transit constipation refers to...
Possibly the single most important lifestyle change to keep things moving is getting enough fiber in your diet, which makes stool bulkier and softer. If you suffer from constipation, you need more fiber. Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet until you're getting at least 20 to...
There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stools and can help food pass more quickly, though too much can make constipation worse.[3] Choose any of following high fiber foods as a ...