Step 1 Ensure that the location for your chimney foundation is strong enough to support its substantial weight. If your house has wooden floors, begin construction of the chimney on the basement floor and build a solid column up through the floor to support the chimney's weight. Video of the...
As house renovation costs play a big part in determining how much work can be done, we've put together a guide to help you stay within your means
Warm air rises. That much is nearly universally known; it is the reason hot air rises up a fireplace flue or "chimney stack." What isn't so commonly recognized is that rising warm air creates pressure at the top of whatever is containing it. In a household situation the top-floor ceilin...
then the best prevention is to find and seal shut all open areas into your house. The same goes for your chimney. When I do a squirrel removal job,
Although burning pellets in a wood stove can cause problems when done improperly, there are several compelling reasons to consider burning them. Wood pellets cost less than traditional firewood, and they're much lighter, making them easy to carry. Because they burn hotter, wood pellets can also...
Getting Rid Of Squirrels In A Chimney Frequently when a squirrel is in the chimney, it has gotten stuck inside. It may have mistaken the chimney for a branch and then fallen inside and been unable to get up, particularly if your chimney flue is slippery. Because of this, your first ste...
Toddler trapped in chimney flue: Firefighters get him out, but no one can figure how he got inSteve Patterson
In general, you’ll want a high-efficiency (94% or higher) condensing furnace, with variable speed blower and roughly the same overall heating capacity as the one you’re replacing. It can be smaller in physical size (they have shrunk nicely over the years), but probably not much bigger ...
In the first phase of our renovation, it felt liked there was a lot connected. The dining room led us to tackle a balcony which led to new windows and doors ...
• When using an unvented kerosene or gas space heater, crack open a window or use an exhaust fan. • Before using your fireplace, be sure that the flue is open so that smoke can escape out the chimney. • No matter what kind of heating system you use, have it cleaned and insp...