Chimney costs increase by the number of flues shared by appliances. For example, if you have a fireplace and use oil or gas to heat your home, you likely have two flues. The cost of chimney installation increases by an average of$1,200 to $2,000per additional flue. Each flue needs a...
Chimney Camera Inspection Cost Using a camera to inspect the interior chambers is part of a level 2 inspection. This helps the sweep or the inspector better visualize the structure, flue, and liner. The cost of a camera inspection is from $150 to $400 for a single flue. If video inspecti...
If you see lots of rust in the flue pipe, you may want to consider service for your heater. Water dripping down the chimney, flue, or vent pipe can also indicate a problem. Odd popping or rattling sounds coming from the furnace. Some of these sounds are bangs. Others include squeals. ...
Gas and electric units only need a finished exterior if using a custom installation; otherwise, the prefab model has everything necessary for the project. The costs below are for the total average costs installed for both prefab and custom units, not including the cost of a chimney or flue....
000to fix it. There are several explanations for why smoke might be coming out and into the house. It could be something simple like a damper problem, which can be fixed easily. Or, it might be something more serious like a flue blockage or a chimney cap issue. You may need an ...
Soundproofing a chimney costs between$35 and $600, depending on the method you use. You can soundproof a chimney by adding a flueblocker, using a chimney balloon, orinstalling a chimney cap. If the chimney is not properly insulated, the noise from the fireplace crackling, the wood popping,...