Growing alfalfa requires precise timing of field activities, namely planting and cutting, which can be determined with weather data and vegetation indices.
Cannabis is a weed in the wild that adapts to many climates. Cannabis plants can actually be really easy to grow if you have the right information and know what to do. It can seem impossible to get started if it’s your first time growing, but this website will walk you through every...
To reduce the possibility of white mold propagation, sunflowers can be rotated with sclerotinia-resistant crops within a cycle of at least four years. As an additional benefit, compared to yields from growing sunflowers in a monoculture, yields from this crop grown in a rotation with potatoes, ...
If you’ve been declined or are looking to get a more affordable rate, you may consider working with an impaired risk agent or underwriter. The video below provides a good overview of how impaired risk underwriting provides an option for many people who struggle to find insurance, like the ...
There should be some covering on the top of the bin to minimize excess rainwater and reduce scattering from the wind. You don't have to do it yourself, however. There are many kinds of compost bins you can buy, including tumblers that allow you to turn the compost with a handle. There...
Keep the soil evenly moist around grape plants during the first year; in subsequent years plants can be sustained by deep, occasional watering. Be sure to water in spring when shoots are developing and during midsummer droughts. Also, water whenever canes become droopy. Feed grapes with aged co...
In case, your follicle has disappeared and is not visible, or if your follicle is unable to produce new hair from many years, then chances are negligible that your lost hair could be regrown. But you can try the effective methods inspired by Ayurveda to regrow your hair. The ancient sages...
Spores can spread by water, wind, or tools, and can live in the soil for up to 10 years. Though disease can appear in many conditions, too much moisture and low soil pH may increase risk of infection. There is not much you can do after plants have become infected, other than to rem...
Chives are perennial alliums that produce for many years. Growing chives right outside your kitchen gives you ready access to a mild onion taste any time you need it. Snip leaves and chop finely to add to soups, salad dressings, scrambled eggs, and pasta dishes. Chop and add to softened...
Broccoli, like many other Brassica crops, faces threats from both insect pests, such as flea beetles and cabbage worms, and various fungal and bacterial pathogens, such as black rot and downy mildew. The cool, humid growing conditions that the plant prefers can create an ideal environment for ...