Life cycle assessmentEnvironmental impactWater consumptionAlfalfaProduction systemImprovement measureAlfalfa is an important legume forage crop and environmental impacts of producing it differ with its production systems and regions. Despite its high water consumption, a comprehensive assessment of combining ...
Across their life cycle, plants are exposed to a variety of abiotic stresses that threats plant development, growth, and productivity. Due to their sessile nature, plants can't escape or avoid them completely. Soil salinity-alkalinity is among the most important factors limiting agricultural yield ...
Cairo has been here now for just over 2 weeks and is a complete gentleman though very reserved. I haven’t figured out if it’s his personality, if he’s still getting settled, or if it’s a little bit of both. Probably the last one. He and Nay Nay are fine together. No firewor...
Based on the analyses of an aeroengine service load, it has put engine applied load including low/high cycle fatigue load and creep load into an enginelife testprogram. 在某型航空发动机使用载荷分析基础上;;将发动机实际使用载荷(主要包括低循环疲劳载荷、蠕变载荷、高周疲劳载荷)融入寿命试车程序中;;...
C input to soil.SOC stock change was set as an indicator for the assessment on soil quality.Carbon footprint was lowest in alfalfa and willow.Straw had lower Non-Renewable Energy use than rest of the biomasses.Higher energy output to input ratio was for willow compared to alfalfa and straw...
Phenolics are ubiquitously present across the kingdom Plantae ranging from simple phenolic acids to very large and complex polymers. Phenolics are vital for plant growth and development as they are important in almost every process of plants including se
She had a traumatic childhood, one that gave her every excuse in the world to perpetuate the trauma she experienced, but she broke the cycle during a time when people weren’t talking about breaking trauma cycles and mental health resources were far less available. She raised loved and loving...
We cycle along an enchanting stretch of wetlands – part of the trail is a berm with marsh on either side. We have been told “just after Metamonk Village (mile 20) to be on lookout for moose. Biking the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes, Idaho through marshland © Karen Rubin/goingplac...
In this paper, industrial transformation has been integrated to an agricultural supply model that simultaneously estimates the most suitable bioethanol activity and subsidy levels, as well as the life cycle of greenhouse gas emissions. These elements have been used to evaluate the GHG effectiveness on...
and energy intensity. Life cycle method based on ISO 14040 standard was used to evaluate the environmental impacts. This method includes goal statement, identification of inputs and outputs, and a system for assessing and interpreting the environmental impacts of various agricultural productions. Also,...