IFVIn Ferro Veritas(Latin: In the Sword is Truth; fencing organization and motto) IFVIllini Film and Video(University of Illinois) IFVIraqi Freedom Veteran IFVInstitut Français de Valence(French: French Institute of Valencia; Valencia, Spain) ...
Daniel W. DreznerForeign Policy
While there are about 90 soldiers assigned to a Patriot battery, the ECS vehicle — which is based on a military cargo truck — is the only one manned. The ECS has two computers and room for a tactical control officer, tactical control assistant and communications operator. Operators can see...
One Patriot missile battery requires about 90 soldiers to be fully operational. U.S. Army A Patriot missile battery operates slightly differently depending on whether it is firing PAC-2 or PAC-3 missiles. We will look at the operation of the PAC-2 missile first. The radar antenna scans th...
and was forced to take or get injected with unknown medicines. She claimed that people detained there were suffering from torture everyday, and she herself witnessed the death of nine women. She said that one of her sons died in the Urumqi Children's Hospital, and nobody told her why he...
She said that one of her sons died in the Urumqi Children's Hospital, and nobody told her why he was admitted for treatment. (2) Reality check First, Mihrigul Tursun was fully free in China except for the 20 days under criminal detention. On 21 April 2017, she was criminally detained ...
The Trump economy was booming. Thedemocratswere in jeopardy of becoming extinct and many may well go toprison. In any case, the gravy train would be over and the progressives would rather trash this country than lose their strangle hold on the finances and the direction of this country. The...
Eight presidents have died in office. Four of these presidents, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy, were assassinated (five other sitting presidents have survived assassination attempts). Of all presidents, William Henry Harrison had the shortest administration; he died...
In the beginning of the Iraq war, U.S. soldiers were injured mainly from gunfire, mortars and grenades. The injuries are wrought now by a different source. The preferred weapon of insurgents and terrorists has become an improvised explosive device, or IED. You might call it a homemade bomb...
Agent Orange has been linked to many health problems in Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians. Thousands have died from conditions likely brought on by exposure to Agent Orange. The herbicide, and its componentdioxin, is considered to be one of the most dangerous substances in the world [...