Interestingly enough, it is during two of these exceptional periods that the ʿAlawis thrived. The first was under Hamdanid dynasty, which enabled members of the sect to immigrate from their cradle in Iraq and to settle in the region of Syria, their main location to the present day....
One of the soldiers, the taller one, moved toward her. Annemarie recognized him as the one she and Ellen always called, in whispers, "the Giraffe" because of his height and the long neck that extended from his stiff collar. He and his partner wer...
Valor, Honor, Conscience: A Growing Number of U.S. Soldiers Are Saying No to the Iraq WarWhen Jason Webb joined the Army in 2004, he hoped his assignment as a telecommunications operator would keep him at arm's length from combat. Though Webb, now 24, wanted to serve his country, he...
Out of some 110,000 deaths reported in Iraq, some 66,000 of those victims have turned out to be civilians. The Guardian stated that the logs show "US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers." The coalition...
2 U.S. soldiers apparently abducted in Iraq; Number of attacks against troops climbsASSOCIATED PRESS
Read the full-text online article and more details about OUR DARKEST DAY IN WAR ON TALIBAN; Eight Soldiers Killed as Afghan Death Toll Overtakes Number of Troops Lost in Iraq; Two Bombs, Then Taliban Open Fire.Daily Mail (London)
when WikiLeaks exploded on the scene with the release of a highly disturbing video clip from the war in Iraq.On July 12, 2007, a team of two US Army Apache helicopters in Baghdad opened cannon fire at a group of around ten men allegedly suspected of being Iraqi insurgents. Two of the ...
Number of Puerto Rican-born soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan at 50
U.S. death toll in Iraq doubles in past year: 825 soldiers have died during period, bringing number to above 1,700