So begins the story of AIDS — perhaps. The tale of the "cut hunter" is just a theory, but it's considered one of the most plausible scenarios for how a simian immunodeficiency virus jumped from chimps to humans and became HIV. Remarkably, we do know for certain where the crossover ...
There are many different ways to raise the humidity in your home. For example, you can put a pan of water on the stove or on the radiator, or you hang wet towels near a heater duct. But most people use a mechanical humidifier to do the job. Here are the four most popular technologi...
It can affect anyone, but it’s especially dangerous for infants, young kids, the elderly, and people with certain health conditions or weak immune systems. Chances are your fall and holiday plans will put you in contact with someone who falls into one of those groups. The fact is, flu ...
The nervous system has many types of sensory neurons. Nerve endings on one end of each neuron are encased in a special structure to sense a specific stimulus. Chemoreceptors sense chemicals. The olfactory bulb that monitors your sense of smell has chemoreceptors that sense odors (chemicals in ...
Virus: Many different types of infectious agents exist in the world, and the virus is one among them. They possess simple composition and exhibit small size. They possess the ability of multiplication only in living cells of plants, bacteria as well as animals. ...
Reactogenicity represents the physical manifestation of the inflammatory response to vaccination, and can include injection-site pain, redness, swelling or induration at the injection site, as well as systemic symptoms, such as fever, myalgia, or headach
In the case of some white blood cells, the cells mature elsewhere. The marrow produces all blood cells from stem cells. They are called "stem cells" because they can branch off and become many different types of cells - they are precursors to different cell types. Stem cells change into ...
First of all, you have been concerned (wisely) about his teeth issues for a while. It does seem as if nutritional deficiencies are a problem. Even children with pretty limited or inadequate diets do not always have this many dental problems (they often take longer to develop.) So you ...
There are many types of rat poisons. Carefully follow all safety and usage directions for the product you choose. Rat poisons are toxic to humans, pets, and other animals. Avoid using them indoors, and keep them out of reach of children. Call an exterminator. If you can't get rid of ...
Dr. Quek, who is from Indonesia, a country burdened by many parasitic nematodes, said: “As a child, I saw a lot of people infected with these diseases and I suffered from the dengue virus on three occasions. That got me interested in tropical diseases. Diseases caused by parasitic ne...