Most honey is made by bees, but what few people realise is that there are several types of bee which make honey. Bees may have to visit about two million flowers to produce only half a kilo of honey. The type of flower the bees visit (1) both how the honey tasts and its colour. ...
Of the many types of bees, honey bees are the primary ones that produce the sweet, sticky substance we know as honey. Bees make honey by using their long tongues to collect nectar from flowers. Bees have an extra stomach called the honey sac, where they store the honey after collecting ...
All honey consumed by people is produced by only seven different species ofhoneybees. Other types of bees, and a few other insects, also make honey, but these types are not used for commercial production and human consumption. Bumblebees, for example, make a similar honey-like substance to ...
A honeybee starts the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Many plants use nectar as a way of encouraging insects (bees, wasps, butterflies, etc.) to stop at the flower. In the process of gathering nectar, the insect transfers pollen grains from one...
Many types of native bees will visit your garden to gather pollen and nectar from plants such as these California poppies. The bee on the left is a sweat bee (Halictus) and the one on the right is a yellow-faced bumblebee (Bombus vosnesenskii). ...
View Solution How many types of bees does a bee have? View Solution How does a human produce sound? View Solution Point out the figures to speech in two of the following: The snakes are hissing and the bees are buzzing. View Solution How the bees produce honey? View Solution ...
For as long as mankind has pursued honey bees, he has been fascinated by the shape of comb cells. Since the beginning, many types of intelligence have been ascribed to honey bees that might account for their extraordinary ability to build perfect hexagons. If you ever tried to draw a regul...
Many insects use extensivecourtship ritualsto choose their sexual partners. Some flying insects can even mate midflight. To do so, the winged insects have a unique sex organ for the task. After a successful courtship, copulation occurs when the male inserts part of his penis, also known as ...
Although there are many different types of bees,bees primarily eatnectar and pollen they collect from flowers. Nectar provides the bees with carbohydrates to help give them energy, while pollen is a source of protein and nutrients. Honey bee larvae will typically eat honey unless selected to be...
Sweat/Honey Bee The Dangers of Bee Infestation Setting up of abeehive inside or near your house can be dangerousbecause it ensures a constant presence of many flying insects inside and around your house. One single bee colony usually contains around 8,000 to 60,000 bees, and sometimes even ...