A honeybee starts the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Many plants use nectar as a way of encouraging insects (bees, wasps, butterflies, etc.) to stop at the flower. In the process of gathering nectar, the insect transfers pollen grains from one...
boost the strength of their bees and, of course, produce the most amazing honey. This honey is so valuable as an extra livelihood income for the farmers. It's a healthy alternative to sugar,
Growing artichokes may seem exotic, but they’re easy to grow even as annuals. Many artichoke varieties are frost hardy in zone 7 and above, but some varieties are bred for heavy yields in a single se
After collecting nectar and pollen from many different flowers, bees fly back to their colonies. They regurgitate nectar, mixed with enzymes, and expose the mixture to the air for several days, creating honey. This honey is used to feed the colony. Pollen is mixed with nectar to form a pro...
There are many different types of wild melons growing in Africa that have been considered to be the possible ancestor of our cherished cultivated watermelon. These include the citron melon, from the Kalahari, and the egusi melon, native to West Africa. ...
Since honeybees are highly social — living in densely populated hives with hierarchical structures — many assume that all bees live in cooperative arrangements. However, 90% of native bees are solitary — living and pollinating alone. Solitary bees are unlikely to sting, as most lack aggression...
For many more fascinating Honey Bee facts, including that Honey Bees assign jobs based on the age of the bee, go here:Honey Bees Know the World is Round and Can Calculate Angles Other Articles You Might Find Interesting:
How Much Honey Is Produced? A single worker bee lives only a few weeks and in that time produces only about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey. But working cooperatively, a hive's thousands of worker bees can produce more than 200 pounds of honey for the colony within a year. Of this amo...
Like apples, they bear for many years on long-lived spurs. It is, however, a good idea to keep the top pruned low while the tree is young so it will grow too tall to pick. Cutting it later is harder to do and will blight. Old trees can be renewed in the same way as apples. ...
The type of flower the bees visit (1) both how the honey tasts and its colour. In fact, there are (2) more than three hundred kinds of honey. In (3) times, honey was added to food instead of sugar, as sugar was very rare. In many cultures, people have used it for centuries ...